Avoid using global git identity

When I clone a new project, I put the proper email address (e.g., a company email) as an author email in the local config stored in the repository. It worked fine until I started working for a client whose project is spread across many repositories that I cloned when needed.

I can’t count how many times I forgot to put the correct email into the local config of the newly cloned repository before committing anything into it – just because I was in a rush. In effect, my personal email (which occupies my global configuration) has been leaking many times into commits, sentenced to last forever in the git history. I’ve probably done it more times than I even realize.

To avoid making these mistakes, don’t use a global git configuration for identity.

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How to remove hard spaces from file using awk

Some tasks seem easy when we perform them manually, but new things come to light once we want to automate them. What can go wrong if we remove hard spaces from a text file using a script?

If it’s a one-time operation, we run the editor, use the find-and-replace functionality, and that’s enough. Otherwise, we need to find a more automatic-friendly approach.

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How to decrypt PDF files on macOS

Some companies send encrypted PDF documents. If you’re a macOS user, Preview will ask you for the password each time you use quick look or open the document. Moreover, if you print that document, you’ll end up with a blank sheet of paper. At least I got it. So secure.

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Line break in Markdown

There are a few different methods to enforce a line break in the same paragraph in Markdown syntax: HTML’s <br />, backslash and double space. Let’s consider each case.

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Setup end-to-end encrypted cloud drive using rclone

Last time I’ve experimented with applying various encryption solutions to the public cloud storage such as Google Drive or OneDrive. They are relatively cheap online storage. However, I don’t consider them the best place for all my files, especially sensitive ones. To make them more useful to me, I was looking for an end-to-end encryption mechanism I could use with clouds in tandem, and I finally discovered rclone.

In this article, I’d like to show you my approach to use rclone as the way to have an end-to-end encrypted cloud drive.

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How to type letters with accents and diacritics in Emacs

I’ve heard a lot of good things about Emacs and Org-mode package as the approach to write and organize plain-text notes. I recently found a doom-emacs project and I decided to give it a try. Unfortunately, in the default configuration, I was unable to type polish characters. Here are two solutions, how to fix it.

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Draw.io real-time collaboration using Visual Studio Code and Live Share

You’ve probably heard about draw.io which is one of the best free, open-source diagramming software. The tool is powerful. It supports many storage backends and could be integrated into other apps. But the one crucial feature is still missing – it has lack of collaborative editing.

Remote collaboration is something we need these days. Last time, Visual Studio Code announced extension called Live Share, allowing developers to share their workspace with other people. In consequences, it opens a bunch of new possibilities!

Thanks to the VSCode, LiveShare and draw.io integration, you can bring the power of collaboration into draw.io.

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Don’t read later. Read it now.

I would like to confess a small lie that I told myself each time when I found something interesting on the Internet, but I didn’t have enough time to read it. It was Read later.

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Find and insert reference to note on macOS using Alfred

Create connections between notes is the essential part of the whole note-taking process, and for sure, it leads to discovering outstanding ideas in the future. However, it requires extra effort during writing: you have to find a proper note, copy the reference and paste it to the original memo. Some software has a built-in feature to handle it, but when it comes to plaintext notes, the implementation depends on the user.

In this article, I’ll show you how to create Alfred workflow that automates the process of finding and inserting a reference to other notes.

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Quick access to any menu item in macOS apps

MacOS has a special shortcut I wish I have known them at the beginning of my journey with this system. The functionality is hidden in the menu in almost every app when you click on Help. I talk about this little search box.

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